ILA/ACRL Mary Iber Spring Conference Scholarship Award

ILA ACRL Spring Conference Mary Iber Spring Conference Scholarship apply by April 8th!

Headshot of Mary Iber

The ILA/ACRL Awards Committee invites applications for the Mary Iber Spring Conference Scholarship Award on this form.

Mary Hammond Iber was an exceptional librarian, mentor, and friend.  A librarian and archivist at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, she died unexpectedly on January 2, 2014. Mary was known for her kind, creative, and helpful nature and her vibrant approach to life.

To honor her commitment to continuous learning and growth, Iowa ACRL makes available the Mary Hammond Iber Spring Conference Scholarship. The scholarship will help fund attendance at the Iowa ACRL and IPAL Joint Spring Conference, May 28-29 at Drake University in Des Moines. The scholarship will cover the registration fee and up to $200 in travel, hotel, and meal expenses.

Applicants must be either:

  1. Paid members of Iowa ACRL working full-time in an Iowa academic or research library, and either:
    • attending their first Iowa ACRL Conference, or
    • have worked in an Iowa academic or research library for fewer than three years.


  1. Library science students and/or support staff working in an Iowa academic or research library. Student and support staff applicants do not have to be paid members of Iowa ACRL.

Previous Iowa ACRL Spring Conference scholarship recipients are not eligible.

Submissions are due Tuesday, April 8, 2025. The winner will be notified by Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Questions? Please contact the Awards Committee Chair, Lisa Martincik.