ILA/ACRL & IPAL Spring Conference
May 28-29, 2025
Hosted by Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
Call for Proposals Extended! The deadline is March 13th (11:59 PM).
The educational landscape is rapidly changing across the nation and in Iowa, requiring librarians to respond to and prepare for unpredictable challenges. Artificial intelligence, active legislation, and budget cuts are altering the way academic libraries interact with their communities while still striving to offer the highest quality library experiences and resources. Further, we’re encountering students with a wider degree of attitudes, expectations, and preparedness for higher education than ever before. We’re equipping our collective toolboxes as we navigate a future that has Some Assembly Required.
Join us May 28-29, 2025 for the ILA-ACRL & IPAL. We invite your proposals for 6-minute lightning talks and 50-minute concurrent sessions. Please submit proposals by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025 March 13th.
Direct questions to Conference Planning Committee Chair Hope Bibens (
Past Conferences