Author: Maggie Halterman-Dess

  • ILA Fall Conference Scholarship

    ILA Fall Conference Scholarship

    The Awards Committee of ILA/ACRL announces the availability of a scholarship to attend the ILA Annual Conference, on October 12-14 in Coralville. Please submit the application online, including a 250-word essay describing your interest in the scholarship, and how you believe the scholarship will benefit your professional development. Scholarship winners are selected by the Awards Committee on the quality of the essay. The deadline for applications is September 14, 2022. The winner will be notified by September 30, 2022.

    To apply, please use this link:

    ILA Fall Conference Scholarship

  • Save the Date – ILA/ACRL & IPAL Spring Conference

    Save the Date – ILA/ACRL & IPAL Spring Conference

    Reconnecting, Renewing, and Responding

    Save the Date –
    ILA/ACRL & IPAL Spring Conference

    Save the date for the annual ILA-ACRL & IPAL Conference on May 19-20, 2022 at the University of Northern Iowa!


    The conference, to be held in person, will feature a keynote from the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library executive director Aiden Bettine. Founded in 2020, the Archives seeks to collect, preserve, and share queer history in and about Iowa.

    In addition to our keynote we seek your submissions for the conference. This year’s theme is Reconnecting, Renewing, Responding. Since March 2020 we have been living with the reality of COVID affecting our libraries in myriad ways – masks, Zoom meetings, sitting 6 feet apart from each other, reduced use of our spaces, working from home, etc. At the same time, we are increasingly seeing the need to reach out of the library to new or neglected patron groups and accept the challenge to be more inclusive and accessible. As we look to 2022 and beyond we hope this conference will be an opportunity for you to share how you have reconnected with your peers, renewed your librarianship spirit, or responded to the shifting sands that we have faced daily.

    The call for proposals will open in early January 2022 with options for six-minute lightning talks and 50-minute concurrent sessions. Contact Eric Jennings (, Conference Planning Committee Chair, with any questions.

  • Schedule for Spring 2021 Conference

    Schedule for Spring 2021 Conference

    2021 IPAL & ILA/ACRL
    Joint Spring Conference Schedule

    Register now! It’s not too late!

    Conference Schedule available here

  • ILA/ACRL Elections

    ILA/ACRL Elections

    ILA/ACRL Elections!

    ILA/ACRL will hold our 2021 election via a Qualtrics Survey in November.

    You will be asked to vote for two executive board positions and for or against wo proposed bylaws changes.