Organization Manual

Table of Contents

ILA/ACRL Brief History



The President serves as the chief executive officer of the organization and, in this capacity, presides at all Chapter meetings and oversees the business of the Chapter. The President assumes office after serving an elected term as Vice-President/President-Elect. Although duties of the office officially begin on January 1, the transfer of responsibility begins at the ILA/ACRL Annual Planning Session (this executive board meeting is typically scheduled in November or December and is attended by both last year’s board members as well as the incoming board members) where the incoming President develops the meeting agenda, plans the following year’s activity, and compiles the budget.

The Chapter President approves expenditures and all payments (Secretary-Treasurer can also do these approvals). The President is also responsible for submitting the ACRL Plan for Excellence (the Chapter activities annual report) based on the fiscal year, which maps the Chapter’s activities to organizational goals. This report is due in late Spring/early Summer. When asked, the President submits an ILA/ACRL report for the ILA Executive Board meetings.

The originals of all agendas, reports, and other documents are kept in the ILA/ACRL Google Drive. During the year, contact is maintained with all officers and committee chairs through regular Executive Board meetings to monitor the Chapter’s progress. The President prepares the agenda for such meetings and oversees arrangements for a mutually agreeable meeting place and facilities (in recent years these have all been through video conferencing).  The President calls Executive Board meetings monthly and appoints officers and members to fill ILA/ACRL offices and committee vacancies when they arise.

There are typically membership business meetings at (or in close proximity to) both Fall and Spring Conference (in recent years these have been held through video conferencing). The President develops the agenda and provides information and documents to communicate with the membership. Throughout the year, the President prepares news and information for publication in the ILA/ACRL Newsletter, the ILA Catalyst, and ALA/ACRL Chapter Topics. In addition, the President utilizes the Chapter listserv for current news items of interest and the “members-only” announcement list for official business items.

President Schedule of Activities


  • During the term as Vice-President/President-Elect, begin planning for the presidential year. See the activity list for the office of Vice-President/President-Elect for details.
  • Plans and holds the ILA/ACRL Annual Planning Session to transition the Board.


  • Officially assume the office of President. 
  • Along with Vice-President/President-Elect and/or Chapters Council Representative, attend the Chapters Council at ALA Midwinter if possible.
  • Watch for ACRL National communication asking to update information about Chapter leaders on the website.
  • Prepare submission for the January/February ILA Catalyst.


  • Follow-up on Spring Conference arrangements. Work with ECC and Spring Conference Committee to publicize the conference on all social media channels and listserv.
  • Prepare submission for the March/April ILA Catalyst.


  • Spring Conference: prepare for the business meeting, or alternatively, you may have a zoom meeting in the days preceding or following the conference.
  • Post-conference follow-up (expenses and thank yous).
  • Prepare submission for the May/June ILA Catalyst.


  • In collaboration with the ACRL Chapters Council Representative, prepare annual report for National ACRL, called the ACRL Plan for Excellence – an ACRL staff member will prompt you via email. This is a fiscal year report, not a calendar year, so you will need to work with the past President to ensure all activities are accounted for.
  • Along with Vice-President/President-Elect and/or Chapters Council Representative, attend Chapters Council if possible.


  • Prepare submission for the July/August ILA Catalyst.



  • Hold ILA/ACRL Executive Board meeting if necessary.
  • Prepare submission for the September/October ILA Catalyst.


  • Prepare for a business meeting at ILA conference, or alternatively, you may have a zoom meeting in the days preceding or following the conference.
  • Attend the ILA conference.
  • Work with the Fall Program Chair to issue thank you notes to program speakers.
  • Send a report of the Fall Meeting to ACRL.


  • Submit an annual report to ILA.
  • Attend the ILA/ACRL Annual Planning Session and transfer materials to the incoming President. Update these Organization Manual pages and pass the revisions to the incoming President.
  • Prepare submission for the November/December ILA Catalyst.


  • Compile any required annual reports and send them to ILA or national offices. Sort papers for the Chapter archives and give them to the Secretary-Treasurer. Oversee or complete this process.
  • Write letters of appreciation to key individuals.


Communicate with officers and committee chairs, oversee activity progress, make appointments to fill committee vacancies, authorize expenditures, and monitor account balance.

Special Information

Primary advice is: Start early and stay informed. Officers and Committee Chairs are likely to need assistance and/or encouragement which may be possible when time remains and information flows both ways.

Whenever there is any doubt, utilize the Chapter Bylaws as guidelines in making decisions.

ILA and ACRL Budget and Support

There are two overarching organizations for ILA/ACRL: ILA and ACRL. The ILA/ACRL budget comes solely from ILA. The National ACRL communicated the decision to discontinue funding for state chapters in September 2023. 

  1. ILA

Beginning January 1, the new President will submit bills to be paid. The normal procedure is:

  • A bill from an activity is given to the Chapter President.
  • The President completes an ILA Expenditure Authorization form.
  • Submit the digital form with invoice or sales slip to ILA Office.
  • Send a copy of the form to the Secretary/Treasurer for tracking purposes.

Background information:

ILA maintains one bank account for the entire association and maintains separate records for each roundtable, forum, or group within that one account.

For the record, ILA/ACRL used to have three separate funds: the general fund for most of the Chapter operating expenses, the Pat Foley Fund that provides scholarship awards for the Spring and Fall Meetings, and the Cooperation Coordinating Committee fund for committee activities. Now all of the money is in one fund. The CCC fund was absorbed in December 1993 to be used for the ad hoc committee on Resource Sharing created that fall.

  1. National ACRL

Chapters may request to receive one free mailing list of national ACRL members in their state, as well as two complimentary webcasts. Chapters are also still encouraged to take advantage of the Virtual Chapter Speakers Bureau. The ACRL Chapter Speakers program gives ACRL Chapters the opportunity to invite members of the ACRL Board of Directors to virtually participate in chapter activities.

List of ILA/ACRL Past Presidents


The Vice-President/President-Elect presides in the absence of the President and assumes the responsibilities of the President upon the absence, resignation, and/or completion of the term of the President. The Vice-President/President-Elect serves as the Chair of the Membership Committee. (See Organizational Manual: Membership Committee Chair for more information.) Other duties include acting as Parliamentarian of the Chapter.   

VP Schedule of Activities


  • Attend the ILA Annual Meeting and ILA/ACRL Business Meeting. The election of Chapter officers occurs by electronic ballot after the Annual Meeting. The time from the election until assuming the responsibilities of the office on January 1 allows for orientation, conversation with the retiring officer, clarification of the activities that are involved, and initiation of planning for the presidential year.

November / December

  • Attend the ILA/ACRL Executive Board meeting. This meeting is a transitional meeting, attended by old and new Board members, and provides an opportunity to discuss the coming year’s activities with other Officers and Chairs.
  • Attend the Annual ILA Planning Session held late in the fall.
  • Additional Executive Board meetings may be called during the year. The Vice-President/President-Elect is expected to attend and contribute appropriately.

January / September



  • Continue with Membership Committee activities.
  • Attend ILA Fall Planning Meeting. Prepare and submit the ILA Subdivision Proposed Activities and the ILA Annual Conference Program Recommendation forms. The forms have gone to an online format/submission process.
  • Pass records and the revisions for the Organization Manual to the incoming Vice-President/President-Elect. See that archival materials are transferred to the outgoing Secretary/Treasurer. 
  • Attend the ILA/ACRL Executive Board meeting. This meeting is a transitional meeting, attended by old and new Board members, and provides an opportunity to discuss the coming year’s activities with other Officers and Chairs. The incoming President (retiring Vice-President) shares goals for the transitional meeting and any planning for the coming year. The incoming President collects and oversees revisions to the Organization Manual which are updated electronically by the outgoing officers and Chairs.


Special Information

  1. The office of Vice-President/President-Elect is the first year of a three-year commitment that will be followed by a year as President and then Past President/Chair of the Awards Committee.

Vice-President/President-Elect List

2025 Kris Stacy-Bates, Iowa State University
2024 Jodie Morin, Buena Vista University
2023 Lisa Martincik, University of Iowa
2022 Laurie Neuerburg, University of Northern Iowa
2021 Amanda Nolte, University of Northern Iowa
2020 Mary Anderson, Central College
2019 Elizabeth (Liz) Riordan, University of Iowa
2018 Julia Salting, St. Ambrose University
2017 Jennifer Sterling, William Penn University
2016 Beth McMahon, Central College
2015 Sara Scheib, University of Iowa
2014 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Dubuque
2013 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2012 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2011 Rebecca Funke, Des Moines Area Community College
2010 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2009 Mary Iber, Cornell College
2008 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2007 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2006 Jean Donham, Cornell College
2005 Rebecca Stuhr, Grinnell College
2004 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2003 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2002 John Pollitz, St. Ambrose University
2001 Rachel Crowley, Morningside College
2000 Jane Campagna, Scott Community College
1999 Ed Goedeken, Iowa State University
1998 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
1997 Mary Beveridge, Drake University
1996 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa
1995 Robert Rose, University of Northern Iowa
1994 Tina Herb, Kirkwood College
1993 Leo Clougherty, University of Iowa
1992 Catherine Rod, Grinnell College
1991 Jill Miller, Kirkwood College
1990 Phil Van De Voorde, Iowa State University
1989 Jane Kemp, Luther College
1988 Patrick Wilkinson, University of Northern Iowa
1987 Theresa Walker, Grinnell College
1986 Dorothy Persson, University of Iowa
1985 Elizabeth Kaschins, Luther College
1984 Jamie Coniglio, Iowa State University
1983 Patrick Wilkinson, University of Northern Iowa
1982 Patricia Foley, University of Iowa
1981 Corinne Potter, St. Ambrose College
1980 Sister Joan Sheil, Marycrest College
1979 David Martin, University of Iowa
1978 Charles LeMaster, Morningside College
1977 Art Hielkema, Northwestern College
1976 Kay Elliott, St. Ambrose College



The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for recording minutes of all business and Executive Board meetings, reporting the financial status of the Chapter to the Executive Board and the general membership, and working with the ILA-ACRL President to collect official documents from all officers and chairs for the Chapter’s archives at ILA. Minutes of Executive Board meetings should be sent to the ILA office as well as to members of the Board.

Secretary/Treasurer Schedule of Activities


  • In the year before the term of office, candidates for the position of Secretary/Treasurer are contacted by the Nominating Committee. Letters of acceptance must be written and returned to the Committee along with biographical information for the ballot.
  • Funds allocation from national ACRL for our chapter (based on membership) expires Aug. 31 each year, and is lost if not used. Remind officers of this deadline as it approaches.


  • Attend the ILA Annual Meeting and ILA/ACRL Business Meeting for the introduction of candidates. The election of Chapter officers occurs by electronic ballot around the time of the Annual Meeting, and the term officially begins January 1. The overlap from the election until assuming the responsibilities of the office allows time for orientation, conversation with the retiring officer, and clarification of the activities that are involved.


  • Attend the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting, which provides an opportunity to discuss the coming year’s activities with other Officers and Chairs. This will be the last Executive Board meeting for the retiring Secretary/Treasurer, who will answer questions and provide transition information. The incoming Secretary/Treasurer will take minutes, including the names of members attending the meeting. The minutes are presented for approval at the next Chapter Executive Board meeting.
  • For the minutes of additional Chapter Executive Board meetings called during the year, the Secretary/Treasurer follows the same procedure.
  • For examples, see previous minutes at


  • At the Spring Meeting, give the Treasurer’s Report and the report of the Annual Meeting, and take minutes of the Executive Board and Business Meetings.


  • At the Annual Meeting, present the minutes from the Spring Business Meeting and a written report of the financial status of the Chapter. These and other reports and documents that are distributed must be collected for the archives and for ILA and ACRL as appropriate.


  • Prepare the annual report of the activities of Secretary/Treasurer.
  • Update these Organization Manual pages.
  • Attend the Annual Planning Session and present the minutes of the previous Executive Board meeting.
  • Pass records to the incoming Secretary/Treasurer.
  • Collect the original copies of all minutes, reports and other documents for deposit in the Chapter’s archives at the University of Iowa’s Special Collections Library.
  • Write letters of appreciation to key individuals.


  • The following items will be deposited each year in December (at the end of the term of the Secretary/Treasurer):
    • Meeting Agendas and Minutes
    • Official Iowa ACRL Conference Program
    • Annual Reports

Special Information

  1. Contact the ILA office for the status of all financial accounts. One copy of authorized expenditures will be forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer for compiling the Treasurer’s report.
  2. ILA uses a calendar year as basis for reporting.
  3. It is necessary to obtain Chapter financial information as close to the annual business meeting as possible in order to have an accurate printed report for the general membership.
  4. Not all officers and chairs automatically send copies of their program reports, minutes, and other documents to the Secretary/Treasurer. Prepare to remind people–often–about the need to archive these materials that detail the working of the Chapter. Some ILA-ACRL presidents prefer to gather this information for year-end reporting rather than having the Secretary/Treasurer do so.

Secretary Treasurer List

2025 Sheri Muller, Grand View University
2024 Debra Lowman, Scott Community College
2023 Debra Lowman, Scott Community College
2022 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2021 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2020 Lindsay Healey, DMACC
2019 Beth McMahon, Central College
2019 Annah Hackett, Grand View University (resigned)
2018 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2017 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2016 Jennifer Sterling, William Penn University
2015 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2014 Andi Beckendorf, Luther College
2013 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2012 Natalie Hutchinson, Central College
2011 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2010 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2009 Daniel Boice, Divine Word College
2008 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Dubuque
2007 Rebecca Funke, DMACC
2006 Randy Roeder
2005 Steve Ostrem
2004 Rebecca Stuhr
2003 Claudia T. Frazer, Drake University
2002 Stephen Dew
2001 Carolynne Lathrop
2000 Barbara Allen
1999 Barbara Allen

Professional Development Committee

The committee is responsible for identifying, planning, and communicating professional development opportunities to the membership. It began as an ad hoc committee in March 2015, and then the executive committee voted in July to make it permeant starting in January 2016. A key rationale for the committee’s formation was to seek to expand professional development opportunities for Iowa academic librarians beyond information literacy and include other areas such as archives, technical services, interlibrary loan, access services, and leadership/management.

The committee develops and shares monthly emails listing professional development opportunities, coordinates the selection of two ACRL webinars per year (free to the chapter), plans opportunities for the fall ILA and spring ILA/ACRL conferences in coordination with conference planners, manages the Librarian Exchange directory, and supports individuals and institutions in planning professional development opportunities. 

PDC Schedule of Activities


  • Create and distribute via the listserv a list of professional development opportunities for the month. This can be done by the chair or delegated to committee members.
  • Consider new professional development opportunities the committee could provide or support.  

January & February

  • Welcome new members and schedule monthly online meeting time.
  • Plan for any participation in the fall ILA conference. Proposals typically are due in early February.


  • Select the first of two ACRL webinars for the chapter for the year. Selection may be done by the committee or through a survey of membership. The agreement with ACRL allows for five site licenses for live viewing, and the link to the recording can be shared with all members.
  • Plan a professional development opportunity for the spring conference, either a concurrent session or un-conference event.


  • Attend the ILA/ACRL Spring Conference or appoint a representative.


  • Select the second of the two ACRL webinars for the chapter.


  • Attend the ILA Fall Conference or appoint a representative. 

Professional Development Chairs List

2025  Sarah Voels, Wartburg College
2024  Sarah Slaughter, University of Dubuque
2023  Dan Chibnall, Drake University
2022  Dan Chibnall, Drake University
2021  Laurie Neuerburg, University of Iowa
2020  Laurie Neuerburg, University of Iowa
2019  Mary Anderson, Central College
2018  Mary Anderson, Central College
2017  Cathy Cranston, University of Iowa
2016  Carrie Dunham­-LaGree, Drake University



Membership Committee

The Membership Committee and Nominating Committee merged when the Bylaws were amended in 2018. The newly defined Membership Committee is responsible for connecting Iowa academic librarians to the state’s professional association by invitation, recruitment, appointment, and election. The Iowa Library Association Office Management Team (DMS) maintains a membership list and distributes it monthly to the Chair of the Membership Committee, January through October. The list identifies potential subdivision members as well as new and continuing members of Iowa ACRL; it serves as the basis for the primary functions of the Membership Committee, including outreach communication, a membership drive, committee appointments, and an annual election for officers. The Vice-President/President-Elect serves as Chair of the Membership Committee.

Membership Schedule of Activities


  • The work of the Membership Committee Chair begins in December after the election of the Executive Board officers. The Membership Committee Chair attends the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting to learn: the responsibilities of the Vice-President/President-Elect, the procedures of the Executive Board, and the common practices of the Membership Committee.
  • The outgoing Chair will transfer ownership of Google Drive committee files and share any necessary Organizational Manual revisions with the incoming Chair.
  • After the Iowa Library Association sends out membership join/renew form in December, use the appropriate recruitment letter via the ILA/ACRL listserv and, working with the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC)) reminders via social media channels to encourage early/prompt renewals to ILA/ACRL subdivision/chapter.
  • The new Chair should correspond with members of the committee acknowledging their appointments and outlining the work that will be done. Share a proposal to divide the committee’s tasks; invite feedback from committee members, so that the committee can begin its work as soon as possible. 


  • Update and submit the updated Volunteer Template form to the chair of the ECC for posting on the website. 
  • Review the email letters that will be sent as reminders to renew membership in January and March, and as a thank you for renewing or joining ILA/ACRL. Send a recruiting renewal reminder email to everyone on the ILA/ACRL mailing list; the list will include members from the previous year until mid-March when DMS removes emails of those who have not renewed by that time. Send an email letter to the program office administrator at library schools for distribution to encourage SLIS students to join the association. 
  • Receive updated ILA/ACRL membership list from the ILA office. These membership lists provide numbers, but also are used as a nominating tool. Membership Committee Chair should receive these membership lists monthly through March and then quarterly; you might have to ask for them and update the contact email DMS has on file.


  • Use ILA Office lists to sort academic librarians who have joined ILA/ACRL from those who have joined ILA but not joined the subdivision in order to develop a mailing list. Send a welcome letter to the new members and to those who have renewed.
  • Develop ideas for seeking nominations of the subdivision/chapter officers: Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and one Member-at-Large.

Send a second email recruitment letter as a reminder to renew. Contact library school students through program office administrator to encourage them to join.   

Review current committee rosters to create a list of potential new chairs for the coming year; committee chairs must be approved by the Executive Board 30 days before appointment. Remember that every attempt is made to stagger committee membership terms so that two people cycle off the committee and two people continue on. One of the continuing members might want to become chair. Occasionally, a librarian chooses to join a committee as chair and then might choose to serve the full 2-yr term in that role. Generally speaking, however, a committee member is appointed chair in the second year of her or his term. In certain circumstances, a committee member may elect to continue on a committee for a third year as part of a complicated transition (for example, a chair resigns mid-term and the staggered terms become off-balance).

Attend Chapter’s Spring Conference. Via the mailing list and social media channels, and by making a few paper copies of the printable form available at the conference, invite members to volunteer and/or nominate someone for an elected position. At the Business Meeting give a brief report of membership numbers and make a pitch for nominations for elected officers.

Start recruiting for the next year’s Spring Conference committee, whose term runs June-July.

Compile a list of committee chairs. 

Contact potential nominees for elected office (VP/President-Elect; Secretary/Treasurer; Member-at-Large). Verify qualifications: ILA and ILA/ACRL membership. Request written acceptance of the nominations and forward to the President. The slate of candidates must be approved by the Executive Board.

Consult ILA Catalyst calendar and submission deadlines for the announcement of ILA/ACRL officer candidates. 

Gather biographical information and statement of interest from each officer candidate. Submit the biographical sketches and their statement of interest to the Electronic Communication Committee. The slate of candidates must be announced to each Chapter member at least 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting at the ILA Annual Conference in early October. Use the Web page, email listserv, and social media to announce names of nominees. Contact potential committee members and confirm willingness to serve; and verify their ILA/ACRL membership [see Bylaws (1995) Article VIII, Section 1].


  • Share membership numbers at the Business Meeting during the ILA Fall Conference. Present the list of Committee members and chairs at the Annual Business Meeting during the ILA Fall Conference. If there are bylaws revisions to be voted on, provide a short explanation. Introduce the candidates for elected office at the Annual Business Meeting. Have a draft ballot ready in case paper ballots are requested.
  • After the Annual Business Meeting, finalize the electronic ballot, adding any nominations received by petition, if applicable. Announce the opening and closing dates for the electronic ballot to all Chapter members with ECC’s assistance. The ballot includes:
    • voting period;
    • explanation of proposed bylaws amendments, if applicable;
    • percentage of membership needed to pass a measure;
    • links to candidate information;
    • description of how results will be communicated.


  • Determine electronic vote tallies as soon as the voting period has ended. Announce results by notifying all candidates, the Executive Board, Chapter membership, and others as appropriate. Newly elected officers can be invited to participate in the November ILA Planning Day, if results are available in time.
  • Write (email) letters of appreciation to committee members, prepare the committee’s annual report to submit to the President. Attend the ILA Annual Planning Day if possible.


  • The newly elected Vice-President/President-Elect begins the transition into Membership Committee Chair. Attend the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting to learn: the responsibilities of the Vice-President/President-Elect, the procedures of the Executive Board, and the common practices of the Membership Committee.
  • The outgoing Chair will: request permissions to share Google Drive committee files and share any necessary Organizational Manual revisions with the incoming Chair.
  • The new Chair should correspond with members of the committee acknowledging their appointments and outlining the work that will be done. Share a proposal to divide the committee’s tasks; invite feedback from committee members, so that the committee can begin its work as soon as possible. 

Special Information

  1. Ask the President for the annual membership list for the state of Iowa from ALA/ACRL (national association). We receive one free membership list per year. 
  2. For each elected position, try to have two candidates. Strive for as much balance (re., geography, type of library, position held) as possible.
  3. Per chapter bylaws, chairs of committees are appointed by the Vice-President/President Elect, in consultation with the Membership Committee and with the approval of the Executive Board.
  4. Refer to the bylaws for specific committee information.
  5. Refer to the bylaws for specific information regarding the voting process and officer duties.

Membership Committee Chairs List

Merged with Nominating Committee in Nov 2018 Bylaws vote.

2025 Kris Stacy-Bates, Iowa State University
2024 Jodie Morin, Buena Vista University
2023 Lisa Martincik, University of Iowa
2022 Laurie Neuerburg, University of Iowa
2021 Amandajean Nolte, University of Northern Iowa
2020 Kate Faford-Johnson, University of Dubuque; Mary Anderson, Central College
2019 Elizabeth (Liz) Riordan, University of Iowa
2018 Holly Schettler, Morningside College
2017 Angie Cox, University of Northern Iowa
2016 Jenny Parker, Clarke University
2015 Jenny Parker, Clarke University
2014 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2013 Becky Canovan, University of Dubuque
2012 Selina Lin, University of Iowa
2011 Pam Rees, Grand View University
2010 Kathy Magarrell, University of Iowa
2009 John Goodin, Luther College
2008 Elizabeth Gardner, Southeastern Community College
2007 Elizabeth Gardner, Southeastern Community College
2006 Mary Heinzman, Saint Ambrose University
2005 Susan Knippel, Iowa State University 
2004 Stephen Dew, University of Iowa
2003 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2002 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2001 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2000 Daria Bossman, Morningside College
1999 Leo Clougherty, University of Iowa
1998 Margaret Emons, Iowa Central Community College
1997 Daria Bossman, Morningside College
1996 William Sayre, University of Iowa
1995 Herbert Safford, University of Northern Iowa
1994 Selina Lin, University of Iowa
1993 Katherine Martin, University of Northern Iowa
1992 Susan Marks, University of Iowa
1991 Tracy Russell, Iowa State University
1990 Susan Brinkmeyer, Mount Mercy College
1989 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa
1988 Lorna Peterson, Iowa State University
1987 Jane Kemp, Luther College
1986 Tom Kessler, University of Northern Iowa
1985 Duncan Brockway, University of Dubuque
1984 Rod Henshaw, Iowa State University

Government Relations Representative

This person will be appointed by the current ILA/ACRL President, and should be a member of the Chapter and of ACRL.  This person also serves as the chapter ACRL Legislative Coordinator.

GRR Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Develop a local advocacy network of individuals within the chapter who will contact their legislators when an issue comes before the House, Senate or other arms of government which impacts academic/research libraries or the higher education community;
  2. Work to create an awareness of legislative and information policy issues at the local level and inform academic/research librarians and others about how they can become involved in advocacy efforts;
  3. Keep informed about ALA legislative initiatives and information policy issues;
  4. Identify and collect examples of academic/research library activities and practices in support of legislative initiatives to be shared with the ACRL Government Relations Committee and the ALA Washington Office;
  5. Promote the legislative agenda developed by the ACRL Government Relations Committee and adopted by the ACRL Board;
  6. Channel information regarding local issues through the ACRL Legislative Network Representative to the ACRL Government Relations Committee and the ACRL Office for appropriate action;
  7. When possible, coordinate the work of the ACRL Legislative Network with the initiatives of the ALA state chapters.
  8. Serve as non-voting Ex Officio member of the ILA/ACRL Executive Board.

Government Relations Representatives List

2025 H Pedelty, University of Iowa
2024 H Pedelty, University of Iowa
2023 H Pedelty, University of Iowa
2023 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa (resigned)
2022 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2021 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2020 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2019 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2018 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2017 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2016 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2015 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2014 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2013 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2012 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2011 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2010 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2009 James O’Gorman, St. Ambrose University
2008 Lisa McDaniels, University of Iowa
2007 John Goodin, Luther College
2006 John Goodin, Luther College
2005 John Goodin, Luther College
2004 John Goodin, Luther College
2003 John Goodin, Luther College
2002 John Goodin, Luther College
2001 John Goodin, Luther College
2000 John Goodin, Luther College
1999 Jane Kemp, Luther College
1998 Dorothy Persson, University of Iowa
1997 Dorothy Persson, University of Iowa

Here is the ACRL page that defines the Government Relations Committee:

And the ALA page that describes how the legislative agenda is set:

ILA/ACRL Fall Conference Liaison

Conference Duties and Responsibilities

Term: 3 years

What: Ensure academic libraries’ interests are adequately represented at the ILA Fall Conference

How: Serve on the ILA Conference Planning Committee (CPC) and report back to the ILA/ACRL Executive Board regularly.

Time Commitment: 90-minute meetings once per month, with additional sub-committee meetings as necessary. Additional meetings may be needed as the conference approaches.

Conference Timeline

January – April

  • Committee Tasks
    • Plan first committee meeting for February
    • Committee Meets at conference hotel
  • Review survey comments from last year (exhibitors & attendees)
  • Timelines shared for committee and subcommittees
  • DMS timeline shared for key dates
  • Create prospective exhibitor list (using last year’s list and new suggestions)
  • Brainstorm speakers and topics at committee meeting
  • Finalize call for proposals timeline
  • Discuss Grand Openings
  • Determine sponsorship opportunities
  • Sub-committees meet
  • Cross-check session proposals with topic/idea submissions, follow up as needed on topic/idea submissions
  • Speaker subcommittee begins review of proposals
  • Speaker subcommittee collects info/details on potential keynote speakers
  • Determine communication plan/timeline for prospective exhibitors w/DMS
  • Speaker subcommittee meeting to select sessions/create program
  • Speaker subcommittee begins contacting keynote speakers to ask them to speak  
  • Speaker subcommittee follows up on sessions as needed
  • Exhibitor Chair updates exhibitor packet letter


  • General
    • Online registration goes live in early May
    • Initial email to exhibitors sent in early May
    • Reminder emails about early bird deadline period
  • Committee Tasks
    • Committee Meets
  • Subcommittee Tasks
    • Committee Meets
    • Exhibitor subcommittee makes contact with corporate members that have not yet registered for a booth
    • Work with DMS to assign booth spaces to early birds


  • General Info
    • Early bird deadline ends early June
    • DMS shares spreadsheet with early bird results 
    • Blast email to potential vendors about registration
  • Committee Tasks
    • Committee meets
  • Subcommittee Tasks
    • Sub-committees meet
    • Exhibitor subcommittee sends personalized emails to select group (vendors who have attended in the past but not currently registered; phone calls made 1 to 2 weeks later if no response)
    • Local arrangements subcommittee determine gifts for vendors if budget available


  • Committee Tasks
    • Review registration brochure for publication and mailing on Aug 1
  • Subcommittee tasks
    • Exhibitor subcommittee plans and prepares for conference attendee activities


  • General info
    • Email to vendors about approaching deadline sent out
  • Committee Tasks
    • Committee Meets
  • Subcommittee Tasks
    • Review booth space assignments with DMS


  • General Info
    • Emails sent out for:
      • Vendors regarding registration deadline
      • Exhibitors about onsite information
  • Committee Tasks
    • Exhibitor subcommittee determines needs for Grand Opening signage


  • Tasks
    • Exhibitor subcommittee sets up exhibitor reg table
    • Exhibitor subcommittee gets photos of vendors for slideshow
    • Exhibitor subcommittee manages/runs grand opening
    • Exhibitor subcommittee facilitates exhibitor meeting for Thurs afternoon

ILA/ACRL Fall Conference Liaisons List

2025 Maggie Halterman-Dess
2024 Maggie Halterman-Dess
2023 Maggie Halterman-Dess
2022 Maggie Halterman-Dess
2021 Erica Knapp
2020 Erica Knapp

Fall Program Committee Chairs List

2019 Claudia Frazer, Drake University
2018 Claudia Frazer, Drake University
2017 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2016 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2015 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2014 Julia Dickinson, St. Ambrose University
2013 Julia Dickinson, St. Ambrose University
2012 Kate Hess, Kirkwood
2011 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2009 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2008 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2007 Barbara Robb
2006 Barbara Robb
2005 Becky Lutkenhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2004 Kathy Magarrell, University of Iowa
2003 Kathy Magarrell, University of Iowa
2002 Kathy Magarrell, University of Iowa
2001 Stephen Dew, University of Iowa
2000 Rachel Crowley, Morningside College
1999 John Pollitz, St. Ambrose University
1998 Katherine Martin, University of Northern Iowa
1997 Richard Reitsma, Northwestern College
1996 Carolynne Lathrop, University of Dubuque

Ad Hoc Fall Program Committee Chairs List

1995 Carolynne Lathrop, University of Dubuque
1994 Kris Gerhard, Iowa State University and Bob Rose, University of Northern Iowa

Electronic Communications Committee

ECC Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for maintaining the ILA/ACRL website, monitoring the ILA/ACRL listserv, and updating social media avenues, which currently include: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram (repost member’s library/institution posts as appropriate). This involves adding new information to the website and pushing it out via social media as needed, updating existing information, deleting old information, improving the design of the Web pages, and general maintenance of the pages.

The ILA/ACRL Web site is found at ECC members have access to login information to make changes to the website. The ILA/ACRL president has access to this login information in the event ECC is unavailable to make any changes.

Website information to be regularly updated includes: the list of Officers and Committees, the Strategic Plan (if changed), the Bylaws (if changed), the Volunteer form, scholarship information, and information relating to the ILA/ACRL spring conference, and the ILA fall conference.

Beginning in the COVID-19 pandemic, ILA/ACRL began hosting virtual monthly Town Hall meetings with the membership, and they have continued. These are casual opportunities for members to check in, build community, and discuss any timely topics. 

ECC Schedule of Activities


  • Plan to attend the ILA/ACRL Executive Board Transition meeting. Other Executive Board meetings may be called during the year. Plan to attend them. It may be helpful to also attend the ILA annual planning meeting if you haven’t in the past, to understand the relationship between ILA and ILA ACRL. 
  • After the Transition meeting, update the information on ILA/ACRL Officers and Committees on the website and update permissions for the Website and the Exec Board folder on Google Drive. Ensure all new Board members have a Google account and know how to participate in virtual meetings. 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Communicate with the members of your Committee. This is done primarily via email. Acknowledge their appointments and outline the work that will be done and their expected contributions. 
  • The chair or outgoing chair, composes the Annual Report of committee activities for the President. 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Meet with ECC to set 3-4 Town Hall dates for the spring Semester. Usually February, March, April, and May. In the past, it has worked well to alternate days of the week (Wednesday, and Thursday), and times (10 am and 1 pm). After the dates are decided, have a committee volunteer create the Zoom meetings, invite committee members, and share the dates and links with the membership as the dates approach.
  • In collaboration with the  Spring Conference Committee Chair, place the call for contributed papers for the ILA/ACRL Spring Conference on the website, listserv, and active social media accounts. 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Place information regarding the ILA/ACRL Spring conference on the Web site as it becomes available. This information will come from the Chair of the Spring Conference Committee. This information will include a conference registration form, a preliminary program, and information about the host college/university and city.  
  • Place information about scholarship opportunities for the ILA/ACRL Spring conference on the Web site (obtain information from the Awards Committee Chair).
  • Update the ILA/ACRL Volunteer Form. 
  • Host Town Hall meetings as scheduled. Send an email summary to the listserv afterward if possible.
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • As needed, publicize any last-minute updates regarding the ILA/ACRL Spring conference.
  • Following the spring conference, post a summary blog post including selected photos. This could also include posting conference photos to social media, also potentially information about the scholarship recipient. 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts.


  • Host Town Hall meetings as scheduled. Send an email summary to the listserv afterward, if possible.
  • Retain access to the Spring Conference Program for one year, then ensure it has been deposited by the Treasurer in the Chapter’s archives at the University of Iowa’s Special Collections Library (Iowa Digital Library currently here: 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Meet with ECC to set 3-4 Town Hall dates for the fall Semester. Usually September, October, November, and December. In the past, it has worked well to alternate days of the week (Wednesday, and Thursday), and times (10 am and 1 pm). After the dates are decided, have a volunteer create the Zoom meetings, invite committee members, and share with the membership as the dates approach.
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Host Town Hall meetings as scheduled. Send an email summary to the listserv afterward, if possible.
  • Before the fall conference, try to highlight any scheduled ILA/ACRL or academic library presentations, and seek volunteers to share conference photos. 
  • After the fall conference, create a summary post related to ILA/ACRL specifics of the fall ILA Conference (presentations, scholarship, meet-up, photos, etc.). 
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 


  • Host Town Hall meetings as scheduled. Send an email summary to the listserv afterward, if possible.
  • Publicize events/announcements/reminders as requested via the listserv, blog, and active social media accounts. 
  • Update the website as necessary. Delete outdated materials. Check for broken links. Make changes in design and layout, if desired. 
  • Write thank you letters to Committee members. 
  • Revise this information to keep the Organization Manual up to date.

ECC Committee History

The Electronic Communications Committee began as the ILA/ACRL Ad Hoc Web Committee in 1996. This Committee established the Association’s Website. In 1997 the Association also created a mailing list, and the Committee’s name was changed to ILA/ACRL Ad Hoc Electronic Information Committee. In 1998 ILA/ACRL changed its bylaws and made this committee a standing one. Beginning in 1999, this new standing committee, named the Electronic Communications Committee, is responsible for the tasks formerly performed by the Ad Hoc Committee.

Social media use began in 2010 to get information out to our members. 

In 2013, the ILA/ACRL Executive Board began sharing documents such as agendas, meeting minutes, and financial reports on Google Drive. A Google account was created for this purpose ( Also in 2013, the ILA/ACRL Executive Board began meeting virtually via Google Hangouts, but has since transitioned to using Zoom for virtual meetings.

In 2014, the Directory Committee was disbanded and its responsibilities were transferred to the Electronic Communications Committee. The Committee is responsible for keeping the Directory and the Google Map up-to-date. Each entry in the Directory should include the institution name and address, contact information for the library, a link to the library website, and a link to the local staff directory. 

In 2015, the ILA/ACRL listserv went from being hosted through the University of Iowa, to being managed through the ILA management company.

In January 2016, the Electronic Communications Committee absorbed the members and responsibilities of the Newsletter Committee. In March 2016, the online Newsletter was replaced by a blog; rather than publishing news and announcements at regular intervals throughout the year, ECC began soliciting and posting news stories on the blog as they became available.

In 2022, the website switched from Drupal to WordPress, and the subdivision moved from the previously free Google account (and drive storage), to a free account and Drive Storage in an ILA subfolder. 

In 2023 two forms were created:

  • ILA/ACRL Publicity Request form was created to help committee chairs, and elected positions communicate publicity needs with ECC and
  • Contact ILA/ACRL form was developed to help facilitate communication between members and the organization.

Electronic Communications Committee Chairs List

2025 Julia Salting, Des Moines University
2024 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2023 Jenny Parker, Clarke University
2022 Jenny Parker, Clarke University
2021 Maggie Halterman-Dess, University of Iowa
2020 Maggie Halterman-Dess, University of Iowa
2019 Wesley Teal, Iowa State University
2018 Wesley Teal, Iowa State University
2018 Kyle Winward, Central College
2017 Dan Coffey, Iowa State University
2016 Andrew Welch, Drake University
2015 Andrew Welch, Drake University
2014 Sara Scheib, University of Iowa
2013 Sara Scheib, University of Iowa
2012 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2011 Mara Egherman, Central College
2010 Sara Scheib, Kirkwood Community College
2009 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2008 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2007 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2006 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2005 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2004 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2003 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2002 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2001 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2000 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2000 Megan Adams, University of Northern Iowa
1999 Megan Adams, University of Northern Iowa
1998 Barbara Allen, University of Northern Iowa
1997 Barbara Allen, University of Northern Iowa
1996 Barbara Allen, University of Northern Iowa

Awards Committee

Awards List

The immediate Past President chairs the Awards Committee. Iowa ACRL has registered 6 awards with ILA:

  • ILA Annual Conference Scholarship Award, known commonly as ILA/ACRL Fall Conference Award – $200 (annually)
  • ILA/ACRL Public Relations and Marketing Grant – $500 (biannually in odd-numbered years)
  • ILA/ACRL Research Award – $300 (biannually in even-numbered years)
  • ILA/ACRL Special Awards – (special)
  • ILA/ACRL Spring Conference Scholarship Award, known commonly as the Mary Iber Conference Scholarship – $200 (annually)

The Awards Committee chair, in consultation with the President and/or the Executive Board, decides upon the size of the scholarships, the number to be awarded, and the requirements for eligibility. Detailed information about these awards can be found at

Awards Schedule of Activities

Attend the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting. Plan publicity and reports of the awards.

Executive Board meetings may be called during the year. Plan to attend and assume responsibility as appropriate.

Review the timeline for following awards:

  • ILA/ACRL Research Award – award given prior to the Spring Conference date (i.e., even-numbered years)
  • ILA/ACRL Mary Iber Spring Conference Scholarship – award given at least 2 weeks prior to the Spring Conference date
  • ILA/ACRL Public Relations and Marketing Grant –  award given prior to the Spring Conference date (i.e., odd-numbered years)
  • ILA/ACRL Fall Conference – award given at least 2 weeks prior to ILA Fall Conference


  • Correspond with members of the Awards Committee acknowledging their appointments and outlining the work that will be done, necessary timelines, and their expected contributions. 
  • Decide upon methods to solicit applications and to select the winners. Draft application form if necessary (forms are currently available via GoogleDocs and the Iowa ACRL website). Draft publicity, which might include letters of announcement for posting at the library schools, individual mail to new librarians, and posting to appropriate listservs, newsletters such as the ILA Catalyst, and the blog/website.


  • In consultation with the Committee, select Mary Iber Spring Scholarship recipient(s) according to the plan that was developed. Contact recipient(s) to tell them of the award. If recipients have not yet registered, contact conference registration contact to waive registration fee.
  • In consultation with the Committee, select Research Award (even-numbered years) or the PR/Marketing Grant (i.e., odd-numbered years) recipient according to the plan that was developed. Contact recipient(s) to tell them of the award. 
  • Arrange for a committee member to be the award recipient’s conference buddy.  Introduce recipient(s) at Spring Conference. Ask recipient(s) of the Mary Iber Spring Conference Scholarship to submit report to the Electronic Communication Committee Chair for the blog. If necessary, collect registration, travel, lodging, and/or food receipts for from recipient(s) and send to President along with proper reimbursement form for reimbursement.


  • If scholarship is to be awarded for Fall ILA Conference, follow similar procedures to those outlined in above. Submit article to Catalyst by deadline to publicize the Fall Conference Scholarship.


  • Select recipient(s) of the ILA Fall Conference awards in consultation with the Committee as was done for the Spring Conference.


  • Arrange for a committee member to be the award recipient’s conference buddy.  Encourage award recipient(s) to attend ILA/ACRL Business Meeting so that they can be introduced. Make the introduction. Ask recipients of the Fall Conference Scholarship to submit a short piece for the blog. In anticipation of the Research Award (even-numbered years) or the PR/Marketing Grant (i.e., odd-numbered years), begin publicity f at the business meeting held at the ILA Conference as well as the website. 


  • Write letters of appreciation to Committee members, prepare an annual report and send to President, and update these Organization Manual pages. Attend the Annual ILA Planning Session and discuss and prepare a budget request sufficient to cover the intended scholarships for the year.
  • In anticipation of the Research Award (even-numbered years) or the PR/Marketing Grant (i.e., odd-numbered years), begin publicity via the listserv.   
  • Pass activity information to the incoming Chair, archival records for the year to the outgoing Secretary/Treasurer, and Organization Manual revisions to the incoming Vice-President/President-Elect.

Special Information

  1. The scholarships represent an investment that has been made to introduce students and new librarians to the state professional organization. Follow-up with encouragement to join and become active members of ILA, ILA/ACRL, ALA, and ALA/ACRL would be appropriate. Personal contact such as a phone or e-mail message is suggested.
  2. In 1998 the Scholarship Committee was renamed the Awards Committee as part of the 1998 ILA/ACRL bylaws amendments.
  3. In 2014, the ILA/ACRL Spring Conference Scholarship was renamed the Mary Hammond Iber ILA/ACRL Spring Conference Scholarship.

Awards Committee Chairs List

2025 Lisa Martincik, University of Iowa
2024 Laurie Neuerburg, University of Iowa
2023 Amandajean Nolte, University of Northern Iowa
2022 Mary Anderson, Loras College
2021 Elizabeth Riordan, University of Iowa
2020 Julia Salting, St. Ambrose University
2019 Jennifer Sterling, William Penn University
2018 Elizabeth McMahon, Central College
2017 Sara Scheib, University of Iowa
2016 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Northern Iowa
2015 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2014 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2013 Rebecca Funke, Des Moines Area Community College
2012 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2011 Mary Iber, Cornell College
2010 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2009 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2008 Jean Donham, Cornell College/Wartburg College
2007 Rebecca Stuhr, Grinnell College
2006 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2005 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2004 John Pollitz, St. Ambrose University
2003 Rachel Crowley, Morningside College
2002 Jane Campagna, Scott Community College
2001 Ed Goedeken, Iowa State University
2000 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
1999 Mary Beveridge, Drake University

Scholarship Committee Chairs List

1998 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa
1997 Robert Rose, University of Northern Iowa
1996 Leo Clougherty, University of Iowa (Past President Tina Herb, Kirkwood, resigned from the Executive Board)
1995 Leo Clougherty, University of Iowa
1994 Catherine Rod, Grinnell College
1993 Jill Miller, Kirkwood Community College
1992 Phil Van De Voorde, Iowa State University
1991 Jane Kemp, Luther College
1990 Patrick Wilkinson, University of Northern Iowa
1989 Marilyn Moody, Iowa State University
1988 Dorothy Persson, University of Iowa
1987 Elizabeth Kaschins, Luther College
1986 Patricia Foley, University of Iowa
1985 Patricia Foley, University of Iowa
1984 Patricia Foley, University of Iowa
1983 Corinne Potter, St. Ambrose College

ACRL Chapters Council Representative

This person will be appointed by the current ILA/ACRL President, and should be a member of the Chapter and of ACRL.

The representative should commit to two or more years as Chapters Council representative, as effectiveness of that group is much strengthened by continuity.

Council Rep Responsibilities:

  1. Attend Chapter Council meetings twice per year. Meetings are held virtually around the LibLearnX and ALA conferences. Chapter President and/or Vice-President /President Elect will also attend if possible.
  2. Fulfill service to Chapters Council in ways determined by the Council. Assist in the coordination of our Chapter’s activities and presence on Chapter Council.
  3. Serve as communication liaison between Chapters Council and the Iowa Chapter. Report back to Executive Board items of interest to the Board; carry concerns and suggestions back to the national level.
  4. Heighten awareness of national ACRL activities and of activities in other state Chapters, through writing articles for the website or posting information to the listserv when appropriate. Take general membership concerns and suggestions back to Chapters Council when appropriate.
  5. Serve as a non-voting Ex Officio member of the ILA/ACRL Executive Board.

Chapters Council Representatives List

2025 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2024 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2023 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2022 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2021 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2020  Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2019 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2018 Carrie Dunham-LaGree, Drake University
2017 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2016 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2015 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2014 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2013 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2012 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2011 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2010 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2009 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2008 Lisa McDaniel, University of Iowa
2007 Rachel Crowly, Briar Cliff University
2006 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2005 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2004 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2003 Linda Scarth, Mount Mercy College
2002 Linda Scarth, Mount Mercy College
2001 Linda Scarth, Mount Mercy College
2000 Linda Scarth, Mount Mercy College
1999 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa

Member At-Large

Two at-large members of the Executive Board serve on behalf of the entire ILA/ACRL membership. Their role includes fostering a broad view of the organization and bringing together various viewpoints for the overall benefit of the Chapter. One at-large member is elected by the membership each year to serve a two-year term.

In the past, the at-large members have assumed a range of responsibilities including appointment to Ad Hoc Committees when needed. Traditionally, at-large members participate in a self-determined project to assist the Chapter with current needs.

Member At-Large Schedule of Activities


  • In the year before the term of office begins, candidates for the position of At-Large Member of the Executive Board are contacted by the Membership Committee to accept a nomination. Letters of acceptance must be written and returned to the Committee along with biographical information for the ballot.


  • Attend the ILA Annual Meeting and the ILA/ACRL Business Meeting for the introduction of candidates. The election of Chapter officers occurs by email ballot after the Annual Meeting, and the term officially begins January 1. The overlap from the election until assuming the responsibilities of the office allows time for orientation, conversation with the retiring officer, and clarification of the activities that are involved.


  • Attend the transitional ILA/ACRL Executive Board planning meeting, which provides an opportunity to discuss the coming year’s activities with the Executive Board. Be prepared to contribute appropriately to the plans and responsibilities that develop. Plan to attend scheduled Executive Board meetings when possible and assume responsibility as necessary.
  • At the end of the second year of a term of office, prepare revisions to these Organization Manual pages and submit them to the President. Transfer archival reports of activities and other papers to the outgoing Secretary/Treasurer and send notes of appreciation to key individuals. The term of office ends on December 31 of the second year.


  • The Spring Conference traditionally includes a business meeting of the general membership; attend if possible.

At-Large Members List:

2026 Lauren Claeys, University of Iowa
2025 Jenny Parker, Clarke University
2024 Kristy Raine, Mount Mercy University
2023 Maggie Halterman-Dess, University of Iowa
2022 2020 Cathy Cranston, University of Iowa
2019 Kate Kitchens, University of Dubuque
_?__ (before 2017) Jennifer Sterling, William Penn University
2012 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Dubuque
2011 Mike Wright, University of Iowa
2010 Natalie Hutchinson, Central College
2009 Kate Hess, Kirkwood Community College
2008 Kim Babcock, Wartburg College
2007 Duncan Stewart, University of Iowa
2006 Jane Campanga, Scott Community College
2005 Elizabeth Gardner, Southeastern Community College
2004 Aaron Wings, Kirkwood Community College
2003 Steve Ostrem, University of Iowa
2002 Jean Donham, Cornell College
2001 John Pollitz, St. Ambrose University
1999 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
1998 Richard Reitsman, Northwestern College
1997 Mary Anne Knefel, University of Dubuque (elected in 1996 for 2-year term)
1997 Joan Loslo, University of Northern Iowa (elected in 1996 for one-year term)
1996 Pam Kress, Loras College (resigned after 1 year)
1995 Ed Goedeken, Iowa State University
1994 Marianne Ryan, University of Iowa
1993 Georgia Quirk, University of Northern Iowa
1992 Carolynne Lathrop, University of Dubuque
1991 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa
1990 Tom Kessler, University of Northern Iowa
1989 Gail Bonath, Grinnell College
1988 Rebecca Johnson, University of Iowa
1987 Rebecca Johnson, University of Iowa (elected in 1986 for a one-year term)
1987 Liga Briedis, Drake University (elected in 1986 for a two-year term)

Dissolved Committees

College Readiness Committee

NOTICE: The College and Career Readiness Committee was dissolved in 2022. For more information, please see this page This section of the organization manual will remain public through 2023 and will be taken down, along with the Iowa School Libraries website, in 2024. 

The College Readiness Committee began as two committees, the K12/Higher Education ad hoc committee and the K-16 Joint Steering Committee created in 2011 by ILA-ACRL & IASL, respectively. The mutual goal of these two committees was to develop future plans for collaboration, in particular, to focus on concerns related to K-16 information literacy. 

The ILA-ACRL ad hoc committee was appointed for a maximum of two terms of two years each (as outlined in ILA-ACRL by-laws) and ended its final term in November 2015. In that time, the committee had completed substantial work implementing an edited version of a Tools for Real-Time Assessment of Information Literacy (TRAILS) test, designed by Kent State University, to develop a baseline understanding of the information literacy college readiness of first-year students from higher education institutions across the state. Findings from the assessments provided a baseline understanding of students’ information literacy college readiness. Based on these findings, suggestions were made for professional development and advocacy opportunities to support sustained K-16 information literacy efforts.

Based on the success of these two committees, ILA/ACRL & IASL executive boards recommended the development of a permanent joint ILA/ACRL & IASL College Readiness Committee.

Committee charge:

Support K-12 library programs, ensure collaboration to provide strong K-16 information literacy efforts throughout the state, and conduct assessment and advocacy. 


The committee develops resources and opportunities to strengthen K-16 information literacy efforts across the state. As part of this effort, they maintain Iowa School Libraries, an online space to share projects on assessment, information literacy, advocacy, and professional development strategies for Iowa School librarians.

College Readiness Chairs List

2022 Angie Cox
2021 Anne Marie Gruber
2020 Katie Hassman
2019 Katie Hassman
2018 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2017 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa
2016 Ericka Raber, University of Iowa, and Val Ehlers, Gladbrook-Reinbeck, Grundy Center

Nominating Committee

Merged with Membership Committee in Nov 2018 Bylaws vote.

The Nominating Committee was responsible for the nomination and election of officers in addition to identifying and appointing members to committees.

Nominating Committee Chairs List

1983 Patrick Wilkinson, University of Northern Iowa
1984 Jamie Coniglio, Iowa State University
1985 Elizabeth Kaschins, Luther College
1986 Dorothy Persson, University of Iowa
1987 Theresa Walker, T. Walker & Associates
1988 Patrick Wilkinson, University of Northern Iowa
1989 Jane Kemp, Luther College
1990 Phil Van De Voorde, Iowa State University
1991 Jill Miller, Kirkwood Community College
1992 Catherine Rod, Grinnell College
1993 Leo Clougherty, University of Iowa
1994 Tina Herb, Kirkwood College
1995 Robert Rose, University of Northern Iowa
1996 Mary McInroy, University of Iowa
1997 Mary Beveridge, Drake University
1998 Chris Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
1999 Ed Goedeken, Iowa State University
2000 Jane Campagna, Scott Community College
2001 Rachel Crowley, Morningside College
2002 John Pollitz, St. Ambrose University
2003 Ellen Neuhaus, University of Northern Iowa
2004 Kathy Parsons, Iowa State University
2005 Rebecca Stuhr, Grinnell College
2006 Jean Donham, Cornell College
2007 Mary Heinzman, St. Ambrose University
2008 Brett Cloyd, University of Iowa
2009 Mary Iber, Cornell College
2010 Ryan Gjerde, Luther College
2011 Rebecca Funke, Des Moines Area Community College
2012 Amy Paulus, University of Iowa
2013 Dan Chibnall, Grand View University
2014 Anne Marie Gruber, University of Dubuque
2015 Sara Scheib, University of Iowa
2016 Beth McMahon, Central College
2017 Jennifer Sterling, William Penn College
2018 Julia Salting, St. Ambrose College