ILA/ACRL Committees
Awards Committee
This committee works to publicize, evaluate, and select winners for Iowa ACRL awards. The typical year has members of the Award Committee working on three of the four awards listed below:
- Spring Conference Scholarship – $200 (to attend Iowa ACRL Spring Conference)
- Public Relations and Marketing Grant – $500 (awarded in odd-numbered years)
- Research Award – $300 (awarded in even-numbered years)
- Fall Conference Scholarship – $200 (to attend ILA’s fall conference)
Time Commitment
Work time on this committee is concentrated primarily to the deadline dates for the awards. A small amount of time is required to discuss strategies for publicizing and/or evaluating. Some time is required to review applications (usually no more than 5-6) and select winners for the various awards. Activity is primarily in the Spring and early Fall months.
A small amount of time may be needed for miscellaneous activity (e.g. revisions to Awards section of organizational manual).
All work can be done electronically (email, video chat, etc.) and no in-person meetings are required. Attendance at the Spring and Fall Conferences is encouraged but not required.
Organization Manual (Awards Committee Section)
Electronic Communications Committee
The committee is responsible for running the mailing list and maintaining the ILA/ACRL Web site and social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This involves adding new information to the Web site and pushing it out via social media, as needed, updating existing information, deleting or archiving old information, improving the design of the Web pages, and general maintenance of the pages.
Time Commitment
Service on this committee does not take up a large amount of time. The mailing list, ILA/ACRL Web site, and social media accounts are updated as necessary throughout the year. Special projects, such as the creation of new Web pages or the re-design of existing pages, may require additional time.
Committee business is conducted via email, phone or Google Hangouts and no in-person meetings are required. Attendance at the Spring and Fall Conferences is encouraged, but not required.
Organization Manual (Electronic Communications Committee Section)
Fall Program Committee
The Fall Conference Program Committee generates ideas for IA/ACRL chapter sessions for the Iowa Library Association Fall Conference. It works closely with the ILA Conference Speakers Committee to turn ideas into proposals and finally to securing contracts for selected speakers.
Duties of the Fall Conference Program Committee:
- Generating ideas for 3-4 conference session topics and submitting speaker proposals to the ILA Speakers Committee.
- Sponsoring/securing speakers with regional or national reputation for IA/ACRL sponsored sessions at ILA Annual Conference and negotiating session content with those speakers.
- Publicizing conference session topics and speakers in both the IA/ACRL Newsletter and the ILA Catalyst newsletter.
- Serving as session managers for the IA/ACRL sponsored sessions at ILA Annual Conference, or making arrangements with others in the membership to fulfill this role.
Time Commitment
Service begins in October as the Iowa Library Association Annual Conference concludes. The Committee submits proposals for session topics and potential speakers for the following year’s annual conference to the ILA Planning Day in November. The committee prepares announcements, including session descriptions and speaker biographical information, by the mid-summer deadlines provided by editors of the ILA Catalyst and the IA/ACRL Newsletter. The committee participates in the final arrangements for hosted speakers, and is responsible for the organization of the sessions at the annual conference in October.
Committee business is conducted via email or periodic Google Hangouts. An in-person meeting at the IA/ACRL Spring Conference venue and at the ILA Annual Conference is encouraged. Because participation in specific conference duties is part of committee membership, attendance at the ILA Annual Conference is highly recommended.
Organization Manual (ILA/ACRL Fall Conference Liaison Section)
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee lives and works online. This committee serves as a bridge between ILA/ACRL and librarians. Committee activities include encouraging membership, maintaining ILA/ACRL membership lists, and providing a channel for news and information to and from individual institutions through a network of ILA/ACRL Ambassadors.
Time Commitment
Committee work is generally moderate and spread out over the entire year. Commitments include contacting members, potential members, and ambassadors via e-mail, phone, and other online venues.
The Membership Committee may meet occasionally online. Conference attendance is optional.
Organization Manual (Membership Committee Section)
Nominating Committee (Merged with the Membership Committee in 2018)
The committee’s main function is to find members of the chapter who are interested in serving as officers of the Executive Board, chairs of the standing committees, and members of those committees. The positions needing to be filled are:
- Elected by membership
- VP/Pres-Elect
- Secretary-Treasurer
- At-Large Member
- Appointed by VP
- ACRL Chapters Council Representative
- Government Relations Representative
- Appointed by VP – Chairs & Members of Committees
- Awards (members only as Past-President serves as chair)
- Nominating (members only as VP serves as chair)
- Spring Conference
- Fall Program
- Electronic Communications
- Newsletter
- Membership
- Directory
- K12 & Higher Ed (ad hoc through end of 2015)
Time Commitment
Most of the work is generating lists of names and debating the merits of potential candidates based on geography, type of library, and candidate’s other previous time commitments/professional responsibilities.
The committee’s main work is done early in the year (January-March) to find members interested in the three Executive Board elected positions. The remainder of the year (April-October) is spent filling the committees. Since most of the work is done via email and spread out over the course of most of the year, service on this committee does not take up a large amount of time.
Physical meetings are not necessary for the committee. All discussions and choices are made through email and Google Hangouts, with a rare conference call. Attendance at the Spring and Fall conferences is encouraged but not required.
Organization Manual (Nominating Committee merged with Membership Committee in Nov 2018/Membership Committee Section)
Professional Development Committee
The committee is responsible for identifying, planning, and communicating professional development opportunities to the membership. It coordinates with those planning the spring and fall conferences to ensure comprehensive professional development opportunities are offered throughout the year without duplication.
Time Commitment
Committee work is generally moderate and spread out over the entire year. Commitments include creating a monthly email of professional development opportunities, coordinating the showing of two ACRL webinars per year, planning occasional activities, and working with the fall and spring conference planners.
All work can be done electronically (email, video chat, etc.) and no in-person meetings are required. The committee meets monthly throughout the year. Attendance at the spring and fall conferences is encouraged but not required.
Organization Manual (Professional Development Committee)
Spring Conference Program Committee
The activities of the Spring Conference Program Committee are to plan and publicize the Spring Conference and spring business meeting.
Duties of the Spring Conference Program Committee:
- Sponsoring/securing a keynote speaker or other main speaker
- Organizing presentation sessions for members, including session managers
- Creating and updating conference schedule and evaluation forms
- Hospitality duties include:
- Securing conference venue and hotel
- Catering
- Publicity
- Pre-conference activity
- Registration
Time Commitment
Service on this committee starts in July of the year prior to the Spring conference. Main activity is primarily in the late Fall and early Spring (closer to conference date). It is encouraged that members of the committee take responsibility for specific duties.
Committee business is conducted via email or periodic Google Hangouts. An in-person meeting at the conference venue is encouraged, but not required to attend. Because of specific conference duties, attendance at the Spring Conference is highly encouraged.