ILA/ACRL Research Award 2022

The ILA/ACRL Awards Committee announces a $500 grant to be awarded to an ILA/ACRL member for a presented or published scholarly work.  Please consider submitting your own work or nominating a colleague for this award!  The following rules and qualifications apply:

  • A qualifying presented paper must be text-based and have been delivered at a regional, national, or international conference.
  • A qualifying published paper is to have appeared in a scholarly journal.
  • A qualifying book is to be scholarly in nature.
  • The subject matter of the material submitted may be on any scholarly topic.
  • The papers should have been delivered or published since August 1, 2020.
  • PowerPoint slides, video, or audio submissions will not be considered.
  • Entries may be self-submitted or nominated.
  • Entries will be considered by the Awards Committee on the basis of a blind ranking process. Criteria include but are not limited to:
    • Venue is scholarly as evidenced by, for example, peer-review of submissions and/or reputation for scholarly exchange.
    • Research represents substantive contribution to the body of knowledge.
    • Work shows evidence of rigorous and thoughtful inquiry into the topic.
  • If the committee finds that none of the entries are meritorious, it may decide not to make an award.
  • The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2022.  The winner will be notified May 2, 2022.
  • The winner will be announced at the ILA/ACRL Spring Conference May 19-20, 2022. The recipient(s) will be encouraged to share a brief (5-10 minute) verbal summary of their research at the ILA/ACRL business meeting during the conference.

Please email submissions to:  Mary Anderson, ILA/ACRL Awards Committee Chair, Loras College,

Include a copy of your work/research along with your name and contact information.

On behalf of the ILA/ACRL Awards Committee, thank you!

Committee members:

Mary Anderson, Chair

Jamie Byerly

Sara Scheib

Anna Schmall


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