ILA/ACRL Public Relations / Marketing Award

ILA ACRL Public Relations / Marketing Award Apply by April 1st!

The ILA/ACRL Awards Committee invites applications for the Public Relations/Marketing Award on this form.

The Award provides a cash grant of $500 in support of a proposed public relations or marketing program for an academic or research library in Iowa.

Winners have 12 months to spend the grant monies and to submit receipts for reimbursement. ILA/ACRL requests that grant recipients write an article, describing the implementation of the project, for the ILA/ACRL blog. In addition, the winner is encouraged to submit a presentation proposal for the subsequent ILA/ACRL Spring Conference detailing the project following implementation.

A library may receive the award only once within a 10-year period. If you’re unsure whether your library qualifies, please refer to the list of past recipients.

The proposal must be submitted by a member of ILA/ACRL.

Submissions are due April 1, 2025. Questions regarding the application process may be sent to the Awards Committee Chair, Lisa Martinick (

Announcement of the winner will occur at the 2025 ILA/ACRL Spring Conference.